Monday, 7 May 2012

The Calf SW4 0DR

Date: Sunday 6th May, 2012

Choice: Angel
Who was there: Heather, Claire, Justin, Joe, Ellen, Angel & Naana.

Generally we were not that impressed with the place. The Roast beef was a bit rare but tasty. The Yorkshire was burnt, there was celery in the vegetables which we are not decided if that was odd or interesting, definitely questionable. 
The additional sides good, well the cauliflower cheese was. The potatoes were inconsistent bith fluffy & soggy. Carrots were very disappointing, quite tastless. 

The nut roast good, but there was no gravy for the Yorkshire which it came with. 

The service was rubbish at the bar. Everyone seemed to be new and no one seems to know where anything is. Ordered within seconds of each other but food came out at different times. 
We didn't have desserts as we were so dissapointed, but we did enjoy ice creams from the Gelateri along the road towards the common.

Mains: forgot to get the prices, but certainly not worth what we paid.
Desserts: ?
Bookings: yes

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